Why are you so cruel? I haven't even truly gone out yet to experience all that you have to offer, whether you present hurdles or shortcuts to me, and I know that you're dastardly already. Why did man create such a corrupt society, one that embraces the most outlandish and terrible practices while rejecting the more benefiting ones (not benefiting for the pockets of big-time corporates, but for the world in its entirety)? I daresay I am appalled. Sometimes I wish I were an angler fish, or some obscure species of animal that lives far away from the disgusting species of deformed primates, or that I was born somewhere else in the universe away from this beautiful planet that humans have managed to ruin. Sometimes I wish I could enter the realm of my dreams and not have to deal with the harshness of reality, but I know I can't. I can't escape this bubble of hatred, greed, and vice, unless I miraculously build a rocket to shoot myself into the Sun, or perhaps a time machine that could send me to a better future where the world isn't much of the craptastic mess it is now.
So I will be waiting for your downfall, O human-induced world. When humanity finds itself at the precipice, I will sit back and laugh as they try to mend something beyond fixing. There won't be a need to say 'I told you so'.
Death, I don't fear you.
Life is another story.
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