Thursday, November 3, 2011

Indigenous Resistance - Evading Oppression

I'd first like to start by saying this was a very interesting article.  Everyone knows that the Native Americans have been oppressed by both the American and Canadian governments, but most don't know to what extent.  This article outlines the trials and tribulations that the Coast Salish peoples on both the American and Canadian sides of the border went through in schooling.  Through the use of residential and boarding schools, the USA and Canada attempted to completely assimilate the Coast Salish peoples into white culture, diffusing out the culture of their ancestors; luckily, it was a complete and utter failure thanks to various strategies implemented by these indiginous people (e.g. not allowing the kids to attend the schools, allowing the children to attend Indian-only schools, accusations of racism, etc).  The Indian students of these assimilatory institutions were often reguarded in a negative way by their white classmates; however, they managed to perservere.  Though it took a little while before some equality was reached (it took longer in Canada than in the USA), the Coast Salish people managed to retain their culture, even though there was some mixing between the white and Coast Salish cultures.

It's hard to believe that this was going on no less than three decades ago...actually, I lied.  It isn't hard to believe.  Why?  You can come up with an answer to that question for yourself.

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